We believe that every person is made in the image of God and is loved by God. We want to care for the wellbeing of everyone in our community especially those who are marginalised, underprivileged or treated unjustly.
St George's Primary School
Our neighbouring Primary school has very close links with St George’s Church. Two members of the PCC are governors, including Mtr Sarah, who is the Vice-Chair. The school comes to church for a service every term celebrating key Christian events. Mtr Sarah leads Collective Worship weekly and enjoys her weekly Diddy Disciples sessions with Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 as she introduces them to the Christian faith.
For the first time this year we ran a Kitchen Social Summer Project with funding from the London Borough of Southwark, the Mayor of London and Trinity in Camberwell.
We provided food and activity packs 3 days a week for 5 weeks and were able to connect with 120 children. On average 100 children attended a day when they received pre-prepared food or recipe bags and activity packs with a different theme each week: Superheroes, Outdoors at the… , Transport, Music and Games. Every Friday the children received a recipe box from the Let’s Cook project so they could cook at home with their family and every fortnight they also received breakfast goods from School Food Matters.
The pictures below give you a snapshot fo what happened over the 5 weeks. Huge thanks go to Cecilia and Nike who organised the project with Mthr Sarah and to Morrisons for donating vouchers which allowed us to buy food for the recipe bags. We could not have run the project without the help and support from an amazing group of volunteers from the community and from Trinity College Cambridge.