Christmas message 2020

2020 is a year I don’t think any of us will ever forget. Covid-19 has had a massive and sweeping effect on all of humankind. Many have suffered with ill health, lost loved ones, lost their jobs and without a doubt all of us at some point will have been isolated in some way.

It has been a very tough year and will be for some time to come. Living with uncertainty is hard; not knowing what or how things will be, is a constant reality in our lives today and a burden we all bear; even the simplest of tasks takes planning and care. 

Uncertainty and isolation are having a huge impact on our mental health and general wellbeing. At St George’s we have been coming together over Zoom to worship and support one another, but we acknowledge it’s not the same. 

The one certain and constant presence among all this chaos is God. A God who loves each and every one of us, his children. Advent is the time before Christmas when we prepare ourselves for the birth of Jesus Christ, God’s son and our Saviour.

As I write this we are in Tier 4 – uncertain of what this Christmas will be like. One certainty is that we will be celebrating Christ’s birth, we just don’t know if we can gather together in person or on Zoom. Please do keep an eye on our new website or our Facebook page for the details as we would love you to join us to give thanks for all we have and for God’s love, presented to us in Jesus Christ, born at Christmas. 

May I be the first to wish you a Merry Christmas and a blessed and hopeful 2021.

Mthr Sarah Dawson

10am Start

From Sunday 1st November, we will be returning to our regular start time, 10am. This applies for both the service in church and on line. A new Zoom link has been created and will be emailed out to people on the parish contact list. If you have not received it by Saturday, please contact Mthr Sarah. The password remains the same.

We are opening for worship!

We are opening the church building on Sunday 4th October for worship.

Restrictions will be in place.

Wear a mask at all times.
Use hand sanitiser when you enter the building.
Scan the QR tracer code with your phone
Remain in your seats for the duration of the service and
Maintain social distancing

I’m afraid there’s no congregational singing but you will be able to receive Holy Communion.